How to cleanse the body for 21 days. Start off the New Year healthy & wealthy!
With the New Year just around the corner, I just had to craft this guide to show you some tips and tricks to start off the New Year healthy & wealthy! You might be thinking, “ how can reading this blog actually help to make me wealthy?”. It’s important to remember that health is the purest form of wealth! So these tips might not make you a millionaire, but they will have you feeling like a million dollars!
““Cleanses and detoxification are actually a natural process””
Cleanses and detoxification are actually a natural process performed within the digestive and respiratory system of the body. Unfortunately, due to many harmful contaminants and pollutants found in our foods and environment, many threats have created obstacles to the natural process of these bodily systems.
Homeostasis is beautiful process within us that works autonomically to balance the various systems of the body
Common things you may experience if your system is out of balance (due to the environment and food contaminants) are:
Abnormal body odors
Back or joint pain
Brittle nails and hair, fatigue
Respiratory issues
Sinus problems
Environmental sensitivities, food allergies
Headaches, irritability
Poor digestion, constipation
Skin problems, increased unwanted weight gains
Unusually poor memory.
We are what we eat, what we breathe, and what we believe
Due to the high amounts of pollution and contaminates in the environment, a cleanse is the perfect way to offer the body assistance and to feeling like your best self! Like anything in life, there are steps to take with cleansing the body to gain optimal results! To save you the energy, I had to make this article to share the tea!
The pre-cleanse is offered for the first 3 days of the cleanse so we can build up awareness in the body. in these first 3 days we work to eliminate meat, sugar, dairy, coffee, alcohol, processed foods, and bread! I know it sounds like a lot, but feeling like a million bucks takes just as much risk as attaining it. As we slowly eliminate the foods & habits, we develop capacity to connect deeper within. Utilizing this passion to fuel you to where you want to go.
Spending time in nature is a great way to detox the body of stress and physiological symptoms associated with irritability and anxiety/depression
Cleanses can be very spiritual and last any length of time, however a liquid cleanse is recommended to last no more than 7 days. Months of eating fresh and simply prepared foods are required after a 7 day liquid cleanse to assist and rebuild the body to optimum levels.
Want to start off 2023 wealthy & heathy with me? Join us for the 21 days cleanse starting January 1st 2023! Need more time? No worries! You can participate anytime you would like as this is a self-guided journey!
One day of liquid fast is fine for most, and as you begin the cleanse, the pre-cleanse should consist of fresh or lightly steamed veggies and organic brown rice/ whole grain of choice. After the liquid cleanse, the post cleanse should consist of fresh or lightly steamed veggies and fruit. Take your time as you slowly incorporate brown rice/whole grains into the diet again! `
You don’t have to buy everything organic, check out the dirty dozen for details on what produce is safe to buy conventional. The less pesticides used, the better for the body. Also if you don’t et the skin, its usually safe to buy conventional, like avocados!
Now that all the toxic obstacles are removed, your body’s regulating powers are activated to rebuild at optimum levels! Eat only fresh and simply prepared foods during the rebuilding step. Reintroduce foods one at a time to test for food allergies or inflammatory response ( excess mucous, stomach ache, headache, gas, itching, fatigue, etc.)
Throughout the cleanse, drinking tea in the morning is a great way to start the day. Try to stray away from caffeinated teas and coffee. Pro-tip, chug two 16oz cups of water in the AM for a boost of energy similar to coffee!
Just like a car, you need to maintain to keep the body in optimum health! Modifying lifestyle habits is the key to building up resiliency. Try to eat only organic foods based on this years dirty dozen. Fermented foods can be made from home or store bought and are excellent for the body. Exercise has been proven to increase mood, heath, and resiliency. Lastly, meditation and daily work towards a positive mindset has been scientifically proven to aid the body from disease and illness.
With the new year just around the corner, I hope this guide has helped to show you some tips and ticks to start off the new year healthy & wealthy!
Start 2023 wealthy & heathy with me! You can participate anytime you would like as this is a self-guided journey!
The cleanse will include:
Custom 2023 cleanse manual
Custom 2023 self-care Planner
1 live integration on zoom Jan 28th(recording avail)
Videos to guide you along the way
Recipes for quick and easy meal prep
A deeper connection to self
To Join us for the 21 days cleanse starting January 1st 2023 click sign me up now! Need more time? No worries!
The course will be available all year long, But hurry savings only last until 30 December 2022!